About the book: see the text that follows some of the illustrations…Extracts/details:
It is a love declaration from a father to his child. A poetic, simple, and lovely text from the belgian author and illustrator Rascal.
Because of the meaning of the text, I wanted to show the principal character (the narrator), growing until he becomes a man and a father. The progression is showing the perseverance of the character in front of several failures…and my own perseverance too: it reminds me that i tried almost 5 different graphic directions to realize the project!
Publishers in the world for this book:
-Didier Jeunesse (France)
-Korean version at Foxbook
-Thaï version at plan for kids edition (soft cover)
-“Molto prima di te” Cult jeunesse (Italy)
-“Prima che tu arrivassi” Edizioni Clichy (Italy)
-Chinese version at Xi’an Rongxin
-The Polish translation is “Przed twoim urodzeniem” by Wydawnictwo Czerwony Konik